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Setting confirmation limits
Setting confirmation limits

How to set confirmation limits with templates and how do they work?

Written by Finbite
Updated over a week ago

In confirmation templates you can set an approval limit for each approver. Then confirmation template checks if the limit set for the approver is bigger than the invoice amount excluding VAT. If the limit is higher, the invoice is not forwarded to another approver in the confirmation templates. If the limit is lower, then another approver in the confirmation template is included. If the limit is not specified at all, then the approver has no limit and can approve invoices of any amount (in this case, the invoice will not be transferred to another approver).

Example: In the confirmation template, we note that confirmer No. 1 has the limit of 100 euros and confirmer No. 2 has a limit of 500 euros. We apply the template to the invoice of the net amount of 50 euros. As a result, only confirmer No. 1 is added to the confirmation round, since their limit amount is sufficient to approve this invoice, and there is no need to add the next level confirmer. If the amount of the second invoice is 200 euros and we apply the template there, then both confirmer No. 1 and confirmer No. 2 are added to the confirmation round.

In order to set limit amounts for confirmation templates, you must first select Settings -> Invoice settings -> Purchase invoice settings and mark the Show limits on confirmation templates:

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